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Enrolment Procedures

The names of pupils transferring from our associated primaries are sent to Linburn in December. Parents will be invited to visit the school prior to transfer. Arrangements to visit the school for parents who are seeking or have been offered a place for their child in our school, can be made by the parents, or a representative of Psychological Services.



We realise that this is both an exciting and often worrying time for parents and pupils and to make it as pleasant and as trouble free as possible we put in place the following arrangements.

Parents meet a member of staff of Linburn Academy at the P7 review which is held in the primary school. Early in the summer term parents are invited to visit Linburn Academy although they can arrange a visit in advance of this.

A liaison programme is put in place where pupils visit in the second and third term to jointly participate in a shared activity/topic. We encourage a buddy system with older pupils and this has proved to be successful over a number of weeks and continues when the pupils are in their first year. 

In the summer term we have a three day programme where our new pupils come with their primary school staffs who gradually withdraw as the pupils become settled in their new school. On these days pupils may, if this can be arranged, travel on Linburn buses to and from school. Pupils return to their primary for end of term activities and to say good-bye.

Coordinated Support plans or Additional Support plans and school files are passed to Linburn and are used as the basis for further learning.

The school nurse liaises with the nurse from the Primary school to ensure that all the arrangements necessary for the medical wellbeing of the pupil are in place.